I am Ian. A young Scottish man who likes music.
Send me tips or mp3s;
Get in touch by emailing igg.greenhill@gmail.com
Will perform 'Hip Hop' by Dead Prez in the style of The Bay City Rollers at birthday parties. Or write for your publication. YOUR choice.
Stonehaven band Copy Haho have been making wonderfully catchy indie songs for a few years now. Three critically acclaimed releases later and they are about to embark on a European tour. I chatted with Joe and Richard from the band about influences, the Aberdeen music scene and Jager bombs.
Can't sleep so I had my iPod on shuffle and weirdly three songs in a row were connected by the biggest craze at the moment; vampires. I tried to, but I can't escape them.
I don't like the T.V programmes/books/films, but I do like the music inspired by the pasty Transylvanian guys. So here are the three songs.
Say Hi wrote a whole album about them back in 2007, 'Impeccable Blahs', a great piece of home recorded indie-pop.
Say Hi - Sweet Sweet Heartkiller
I don't even know what a Vampire Attendant is. Is it that band who sound like Paul Simon?!
Virgin Of The Birds - Ilona, You Should Still Be My Vampire Attendant
I can't knock anything which brings about a song as great as this (from my indie crush) can I? You win this time, Twilight.
If you met me, you would probably never guess that I liked poetry, and I probably never would have if it wasn't for one poet, Edwin Morgan. Many Scottish people, and namely, supporters of the Scottish National Party (boo hiss) latch onto Robert Burns, yet, I'd take Morgan over Burns every day of the week. His poems vary from realism to surrealism, yet every one is distinctive and characteristically Edwin Morgan's own.
Sorry for the lack of postage in the last week or so, I've not been feeling too great.
However, I was an extra in the new Frightened Rabbit video for 'Nothing Like You'.
There were balloons, tumour t-shirts, and weird dance moves galore. For some reason I thought it would be a good idea to wear a grey t-shirt when everyone else wore a white one. So yes, I may look a bit like a spare prick in the video. I also have a giant boil on my face, and not the good kind of Boyle.
All this experience did was enhance my excitement for their forthcoming album due in March. Scott also kept tight lipped about Scottish dates this year, and there is no Barrowlands gig confirmed as of yet.
The Magnetic Fields are one of the most elusive yet prolific indie bands of the last 20 years. They mark their third album in their 'no-synth trilogy' with 'Realism' on the 26th of Jan. Although it is in the same trilogy as 'Distortion' I feel the album has several moments that would not be out of place on their seminal '69 Love Songs'. 'You Must Be Out Of Your Mind' and 'I Don't Know What To Say' are two of these tracks, with exclusive streams available here.
I will let the tracks do the talking as Merritt and co. so often choose to do;
The Magnetic Fields - You Must Be Out Of Your Mind
Oh so last night the post was regular existentialist blabber. I'm Albert MacCamus. As to not make my blog a place where happiness comes to die, I have decided to do this feature early, with Beyonce's 'If I Were A Boy'.
If I were a boy even just for a day I'd roll out of bed in the morning And throw on what I wanted And go drink beer with the guys So Beyonce wants to be a feminist icon. She is a regular Kathleen Hanna and she likes to listen to Riot Grrrl bands and she is into all that Third Wave stuff (she does none of these things). Oh wait, isn't she dating a guy who raps stuff like 'you know I thug 'em, fuck 'em, love 'em, leave 'em 'cause I don't fuckin' need 'em'. EMPOWERMENT! Also, if she really was a guy, she would know that we can not simply roll out of bed in the morning, we need to wait five minutes for our erections to subside. I never throw on what I want, because my mother/girlfriend/sister/nun friend/midwife friend dress me. Being a guy is tough, Beyonce.
And chase after girls I'd kick it with who I wanted And I'd never get confronted for it 'Cause they stick up for me
If I were a boy I think I could understand How it feels to love a girl I swear I'd be a better man
So, if Beyonce was a boy she would sleep around with lots of girls, because you know, all guys do that. All guys also like sports, and enjoy the music of Nickleback, and tea-bag their friend Cheech as he sleeps because he has had too much Jagermeister. Beyonce thinks all men are incapable of love. Has she never seen Sleepless in Seattle?! HE IS MOURNING HIS DEAD WIFE WHILE LOOKING AFTER HIS SON! Honestly Beyonce, don't let Seany boy and his Big Pimpin' lifestyle polute your views of men. Tom Hanks=men.
The wind beats against my face with a relentless force. I'm exiting Stirling Rail Station with a bag consisting of Sensodyne toothpaste, non-biological washing powder, non-perfumed soap, anti-dandruff shampoo and sensitive antiperspirant. I am the epitome of tough. Hours earlier I had been enjoying a meal in my hometown of Edinburgh, at a little place called The Red Fort Indian Restaurant with seven of my closest friends, ten pints of Cobra later and I'm back in the cultural wasteland that is Stirling. Bookmakers, pound shops and fast food outlets imprison me as I walk along the main street, with my sensi-personal hygiene package in tow, I am grasped by a sense of annoyance at having to come back solely to work tomorrow. During the five minute walk to my flat I am asked for a cigarette by tracksuit clad locals on three separate occasions. 'Gonnae crash us a fag pal?' Sorry I don't smoke. 'Here, mate geez a fag eh?' Sorry I don't smoke. 'Fag ya cunt?' Sorry I don't smoke. With nothing to look forward to but an empty flat and a drunken phone calls at three o'clock in the morning, I drunkenly decide to write a post. But not before using my outdoor toilet. Sigh.
Self deprecating and self righteous laments aside, there is a sheer ironic element to this story, through all of it I am listening to Ardentjohn's debut single 'Home'.
The Edinburgh band's folk-indie is a stark reminder of my hometown, while simultaneously being a kick in the teeth. The sweet vocals of 'Home' and the lush layers of guitars, xylophones and drums are enough to make a homesick man write a fucking terribly whiny blog entry. The hopeful lyrics make me uncomfortable as I sit in the train seat, yet I can't help but listen and smile, as Ardentjohn are an extremely good band. With their debut being released on the 25th of this month, the six piece have quietly been plying their trade since 2007. Double-a side 'Where All Paths Lead' is another song about traveling to the place you belong, with a build up similar to contemporaries Broken Records and smooth reassuring lyrics and stinging me with sick irony, I sit and listen to the song, traveling to a place which I hate, because the song is so fucking good. 'I want you, I need you, can't you see?' is sung throughout 'Home', and I couldn't have put it better myself.
Folk music has seen somewhat of a resurgence in the Scottish music scene of late, with successful bands (Frightened Rabbit, Meursault, Broken Records) integrating the genre into their music. This has paved the way for more traditional folk artists.
In this edition I am looking at the young folk artist Colin Macleod who performs under the moniker of The Boy Who Trapped The Sun.
Originating from the remote Isle Of Lewis, Macleod plays timid and touching folk songs, with his smooth and heartfelt vocals being his best asset. He released his 'Watermark E.P' last year and has another E.P, 'Home', scheduled for this year.
Currently supporting the likes of Lisa Mitchell and Joshua Radin, it is evident Macleod has already made his mark on the international mainstream folk scene. Not bad for a young lad from the Outer Hebrides.
The Boy Who Trapped The Sun - Fragile Eyes
Download the track for free by signing up to the Boy Who Trapped The Sun mailing list.
The Boy Who Trapped The Sun - There Is a Light That Never Goes Out
Download it here. (Right click and 'Save Link As' for you internet dummies)
Check out his headlining dates and dates supporting Joshua Radin and Lisa Mitchell here.
The U.S seems to be full of preppy bands writing perfect pop songs (Beach House, Grizzly Bear, Real Estate, Vampire Weekend), yet one new band seems to be crafting tunes as good as anyone, and that band is California's Princeton.
The bands first single proper 'Calypso Gold' indicates a pop band not content with following the norm. Deep vocals break the recent trend of falsettos and the instrumentation is rich and swirling with violins uplifting the chorus to a fantastic crescendo of sickly pop. The bittersweet lyrics such as"she'll never see me again" take a backseat as the tight rhythm section are so good they distract you from anything else.
If Princeton can follow up this single with more of the same, they could really be a band to contend with.
'Calypso Gold' video (small intro before the actual song);
There Will Be Fireworks' self titled debut was released last year to a sea of plaudits and accolades. With their visceral and anthemic songs, they make being a successful unsigned Scottish band look effortless.
I asked front man Nicky McManus a few questions about their follow-up, touring and his thoughts on 2009.
Your self released debut was extremely well received, did you expect this sort of reaction?
We've been really pleased with the reaction we've got - the blogosphere has been kind to us, for the most part. We thought the album was good when we finished it, so we hoped it would get a decent reaction, but weren't sure if many people would hear it given that we don't have a label or any press people behind us. So far it's done OK. It's been a word-of-mouth thing really, which we're quietly proud of. We've had to order a reprint on the physical copies so hopefully more people will listen to it and - ideally - enjoy it.
You recorded it at Old Mill Studio, will the follow up be recorded there and how is it getting on?
The follow-up(s) will definitely be recorded there. We've already started, tentatively. We feel like we're just getting used to the studio and really improving from a production point of view. I think that the experience of producing the last album and In Excelsis Deo ourselves (along with Marshall Craigmyle - Old Mill's resident guru) was a real learning curve for us. We know a few more tricks now so we're having fun with the production; trying a few different things out. The Mill is the perfect environment for experimenting and we absolutely love it there.
Recording is going well at the moment - we've done a fair bit but we're kind of being pulled in two directions at once so we're thinking of doing two separate albums. We're not quite sure how it's all going to pan out yet or how long it will take.
You draw comparisons to Explosions in the Sky and, perhaps lazily, Twilight Sad and Frightened Rabbit quite a bit. Which bands influence you?
Explosions in the Sky were a massive influence on us when we were writing the first album. You can probably hear that in the guitars. It's the whole being atmospheric whilst being melodic thing. And they're incredible live. We're all fans of The Twilight Sad and Frightened Rabbit as well. I think the comparison there is mostly a Scottish thing.
As for influences, we all have quite varied tastes so I can't really speak for the other guys. From my point of view, I listen to a ridiculous amount of music so what influences me changes quite a lot. Recently, I've been listening to Sunset Rubdown, Broken Social Scene, The Low Anthem and The Wedding Present a lot. I got the new Wilco album and The Pains of Being Pure At Heart album over Christmas as well, so I'm going to listen to them a bit more.
There are, however, some artists I'm obsessive about and listen to constantly: Fionn Regan, The National, Neutral Milk Hotel, Bright Eyes, Iron & Wine and WHY? are some that I've been immersed in for the last few years.
You had Kevin McNeill, the author of the amazing 'The Stornoway Way', contribute to your debut with the song Colombian Fireworks. How did that come about and will he be featuring on the follow up?
Basically, I'd read his book and absolutely loved it. He came to one of our gigs and he seemed to like our music so I emailed him a few days later and asked if he fancied doing us a wee turn. Happily, he agreed and wrote the piece for the album, recording it on Shetland with his brother and sending the file to us.
We haven't spoken to Kevin in a bit - I think he's busy writing another novel. No idea if we'll ask him to contribute again, given that we're trying to do something a bit different from the last. If it feels right for the album, then we'll definitely ask and hopefully he'll agree!
Your touring routine seems to be some what sporadic and sparse. Is that fair to say? Is this due to work commitments and is it hard to fit everything in?
That is definitely fair to say. I wouldn't even say that we have a touring routine. It's more like massive periods of inactivity followed by a few sporadic gigs. It's partly to do with work and university commitments, yeah. We don't do the band as a full time thing, and probably never will, so our opportunities to travel are curtailed quite a bit. And since we can't really tour for any sustained period, we don't play all that often in Glasgow and Edinburgh in case people get bored of us. To be honest, it doesn't really bother us. We like going to play in different places - we've had good crowds when we've played in London and people always show up in Glasgow - but we're much happier in the practice room or the studio.
You once told me the last track on your album 'Joined Up Writing' was an idea borrowed from Neutral Milk Hotel, with the last song tying the whole album together. Does this mean the last album had a common theme throughout?
To an extent, yeah. It's more of a common thread, though, in that lyrics refer back to other lyrics and some songs are about the same things and stuff like that. Yeah, you probably could say that there's a common theme. I thought it was important that the album should feel like a whole, consistent work and not just a hodgepodge (is that a word?) collection of unrelated songs.
Favourite things about 2009, music, film, books, hair product?
(in no particular order)
Phoenix - Wolfgang Amadeus Phoenix (catchiest thing I've heard in 2009)
Bill Callahan - Sometimes I Wish I Were An Eagle (Eid Ma Clack Shaw is the funniest song I've ever heard - I'm note sure if it's supposed to be)
The Antlers - Hospice
Fuck Buttons - Tarot Sport
The Low Anthem - Oh My God, Charlie Darwin (technically released in 2008 but re-released in 2009 and everyone heard it in 2009)
That Grizzly Bear song (Two Weeks) that rips off the riff from Dr Dre's Still D.R.E.: amazing.
That Jay-Z song with Alicia Keys in it about New York: tune.
I think the only movies I've seen that were released in 2009 were The Hangover and Le Donk and Scor-Zay-Zee. I liked them both. I got In The Loop on DVD but still haven't watched it. I bet it's good though. I mostly just watched The Sopranos and The Wire boxsets.
The best books I read in 2009 (none of them were released in 2009) were The Corrections by Jonathan Franzen, Indignation by Philip Roth, I Am Charlotte Simmons by Tom Wolfe and a couple of books I read about the Spanish Civil War, the names of which I can't remember.
Hair Product
Asda's own brand hairspray (apparently it's better than all the other hairsprays).
What are There Will Be Fireworks' plans and aims for 2010?
Get the new album/albums/whatever recorded. Play some gigs. I think we're playing at the Haldern Pop Festival in Germany and The National are supposed to be playing, so that's cool. But mostly the recording.
There Will Be Fireworks - Says Aye (Odeo is taking a wee bit long today so please be patient, the files do stream)
It is safe to say that Frightened Rabbit have dominated my listening routine for the past two or so years. The band from Glasgow by way of Selkirk have their new single Nothing Like You streaming on their myspace page.
I was already excited for the release of their new album Winter of Mixed Drinks due in March, but the sheer quality and urgency this new single exudes furthers the notion that we are witnessing a band who are going to take over the world in 2010. With frantic guitar and Scott Hutchinson's token vocals Nothing Like You is a perfect way to build up a frenzied anticipation for their third studio release.
I will forever know this song as Steve, Frightened Rabbit die-hards will know what I mean by that!
Nothing Like You is released on Feb 22 and Winter of Mixed Drink is released March 1 (9 in U.S) on Fatcat Records.
The Knife have just released their newest offer fairly unexpectedly. Colouring of Pigeons is the first track to come from the Swedish bands Darwin inspired Opera Tomorrow, In a Year and if this track is anything to go by the musical is going to blow everyone away.
Never shy of experimentation, the 11 minute track builds up gradually, starting with tribal drums, then leading to bird-like vocals, then it leads to male vocals and then female operatic vocals. It is a pretty intense listen but you wouldn't expect anything less from the duo. Gone are the synth pans and hooks that they are well known for, with the track swirling and climaxing in a crescendo of violins.
If the track doesn't impress you enough, then here are some clips from their Darwin inspired electro-Opera, it is definitely very 'out there';
Tomorrow, In a Day is released digitally on Feb 2nd and in stores March 9. Finally an album for us evolutionists!
Tracklisting CD 1
6.Ebb Tide Explorer
7.Variation of Birds
8.Letter to Henslow
9.Schoal Swarm Orchestra
CD 2
1.Annie’s Box
3.Colouring of Pigeons
5.Tomorrow in a Year
6.The Height of Summer
One of the main aspects about music I love the most are lyrics, and thus comes my fascination with poetry. So excuse my self-indulgence each week as I post a poem which I love.
This week I have chosen Sylvia Plath's Ennui. Plath describes longing and frustration with life as well as any other poet and Ennui is a fine example of this.
Ennui Tea leaves thwart those who court catastrophe,
designing futures where nothing will occur:
cross the gypsy’s palm and yawning she
will still predict no perils left to conquer.
Jeopardy is jejune now: naïve knight
finds ogres out-of-date and dragons unheard
of, while blasé princesses indict
tilts at terror as downright absurd.
The beast in Jamesian grove will never jump,
compelling hero’s dull career to crisis;
and when insouciant angels play God’s trump,
while bored arena crowds for once look eager,
hoping toward havoc, neither pleas nor prizes
shall coax from doom’s blank door lady or tiger.
Plath also influenced one of my favourite bands of last year, The Antlers. Here is a lovely song they wrote about her.
It can be hard being a 'hype band'. The sheer amount of praise you receive before you have even released your debut will mount unwanted and perhaps unwarranted pressure on you. Then there is the follow up. If you look at Clap Your Hands Say Yeah, one of the original 'hype bands', the pitfalls of this label are obvious with their debut lauded in plaudits but their follow up disregarded by the media and fans alike. But what of one of the newer of these kind of bands, Vampire Weekend? The preppy Ivy League types from New York took the indie scene by storm in 2008 and crossed over to the mainstream with Graceland era Paul Simon sounding pop songs on their self titled debut and the inevitable backlash from the cool indie kids who had 'liked them before they were mainstream'. A fairly successful side project (Discovery) and a clever viral marketing scheme later, they are finally about to release their sophomore effort, Contra.
Opener 'Horchata' is typical Vampire Weekend with Ezra Koenig's sickly sweet vocals yelping over synth pans and marimbas. Contra is safe territory for Vampire Weekend with 'White Sky' being reminiscent of 'Cape Cod Kwassa Kwassa' from their first album, yet the sound seems fuller and the vocals more assured, perhaps showing a young band who are growing in confidence and talent. However, 'California English' takes Contra down a more unconventional route with a much more electronic feel including a vocoder which can be attributed to keyboardist and producer Rostam Batmanglij's side project Discovery who experimented heavily with vocoders and electronica. 'Giving Up The Gun' also shows this influence while being a slice of delicious pop.
The singles from Contra are as strong as any previous singles from the band with 'Cousins' taking the yelping from 'A-punk' and pushing it to hectic proportions. Yet where 'Contra' really benefits is in it's quieter songs such as 'Taxi Cab' and 'Run'. These songs really help to stop the album from being an overblown rushed mess, they help to split up the punkier and more hectic moments and the pace of the album benefits greatly from this.
Contra shows the intent of a a hype band who have no intention of going away while reinforcing what has been done previously. With sold out gigs all across the world, Vampire Weekend are the Little Hype Band Who Could.
So every now and then there comes along a song which just has laughable lyrics, so I intended to study these songs and find out the true and often deep meanings behind them . . . I got a feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good good night wooh hoo (x4)
Okay, so what we have here is Will.I.Am and co. feeling like they are going to have a really good time! To emphasise this they repeat this like 4 times, because repeating it once, twice, three times a lady would not adequately show how much of a hunch they have that tonight is going to be a 'good night'. Quality wordsmithery from the meth breaths!
"I know that we’ll have a ball if we get down and go out and just lose it all"
Wow, I don't know about you guys, but lose what all?! What are you talking about Will.I.Am? I think the only thing you have lost is your mind. I like to think that they will lose perhaps a wallet, maybe a satchel, or meth. Whatever they want to lose, I think it will lead to a cavalcade of fun times.
"I feel stressed out I wanna let it go Lets go way out spaced out and losing all control"
Sit down Bobby Dylan, the Black Eyed Peas are telling a story, much like your 'Hard Times Gonna Come'. That song was about the hardship yet to come, and 'I've Gotta Feeling' is about hard times past, because Will.I.Am is stressed out, probably because Fergie has pissed her self again, because she couldn't help 'losing all control' of her bladder disciplines. Maybe he is stressed out because he lost his wallet? (see previous verse)
"Fill up my cup Mazeltov"
This is the part where Jewish people's foreskins start growing back.
"Look at her dancing just take it off"
Don't glamourise a 'GET YOUR TITS OUT FOR THE LADS', Black Eyed Peas.
"Lets paint the town We’ll shut it down Let’s burn the roof and then we’ll do it again"
Painting a town, then shutting down a whole town, then burning a towns roof? That sounds very expensive. And if you already burnt the roof down, how can you do it again? I also want to go to a town which has an entire roof. Rooftopia in Lithuania.
"Let's Do it and do it and do it 1 and do it and do it 2 and do it and do it and live it 3 up and do it, do it 4 do it, do it, and do it 5 and do it and do it and do it 6 and do it and do it and 7"
They really want to do it! This is like a childrens counting game if childrens counting games started off with taking some E with a side of cocaine.
"I gotta feeling that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good night that tonight’s gonna be a good good night (x2)
Tonight’s the night let’s live it up I got my money Lets spend it up
Go out and smash it (smash it) Like Oh My God (like oh my god) Jump off that sofa (cmon) Lets kick it up"
After burning a whole town's roof they still feel like the night is going to be good. You are truly courageous B.E.P. They are going to spend their money up, even though they got told it was wiser to invest in variable stocks and bonds, after all, they are nearly all 40. Who am I to judge?! Jumping off a sofa is what a three year old would do, so perhaps we can assume this song is about never truly growing up. The Peter Pan of shit songs.
"count to 7 and start singing again"
"Here we come here we go we gotta rock rock rock rock rock
Easy come easy go now we on top top top top top
Feel the shot body rock Rock it don’t stop stop stop stop
Round and round up and down around the clock clock clock clock"
I think the repetition of the words is suppose to symbolise their excitement for life and clocks. Time keeping turns them on.
"Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday Friday, Saturday, Saturday to Sunday"
What day is it today Will.i.am? Saturday. What day is it tomorrow Will.i.am? Saturday...wait.
"we keep keep keep keep going up we know what we say say party everyday p-p-p-party everyday
got a feeling (ooooooo ooooooo) that tonights gonna be a good night that tonights gonna be a good night that tonights gonna be a good good night (oooooooooooo ooooooooooo)"
The night is over Black Eyed Peas, and everyone hates you because you ruined their town and got their sofas dirty. Cunts.
Many bands are influenced by the city which they come from, but perhaps none more so than Edinburgh's The Last Battle. Emerging as a live unit in October, the band wasted no time in impressing anyone who would care to listen, already establishing themselves as one of Scotland's brightest prospects. It is impossible not to draw parallels between the band and their city, as their music is both understated yet ambitious, beautiful yet dark and each song has a comforting familiarity without ever feeling unoriginal. All attributes shared by Auld Reekie.
Consisting of eight members, the band is really brought together by Scott Longmuir's earnest vocals, singing with a sincerity that makes every lyric sound honest and experienced, and with the female backing vocals accompanying, they transform into something hauntingly beautiful. Songs such as 'Whisky!' highlight the bands love affair with their hometown, with subtle references to Edinburgh Castle, Princes Street Gardens and Leith; "Past the gardens and the castle, where the ships go to the ocean, where my soul lies on the sea bed". However, it is important to realise that although The Last Battle are influenced by Edinburgh, they are not defined by it. Far from it, as 'Ward 119' shows the darker side to the band and tells the story of a dysfunctional family's hospital trip with Longmuir singing hopeful lyrics 'hold on we'll be out of here by dawn' juxtaposing against painfully frank and sad ones 'what the hell's the matter, what you getting at, you cannae even say you fucking love me back'. The diversity of these two songs show The Last Battle to be no one trick pony and the instrumental 'Secret Arcade' only helps to further this notion.
As impressed as I am by them, I feel that they have only shown a glimpse of what they are truly capable of, propelling their debut as one of my most highly anticipated albums of 2010.
The Last Battle-Whisky!
The Last Battle-Ward 119
The Last Battle-Secret Arcade
The Last Battle are playing on the 6th at The Jazz Bar in Edinburgh and on the 7th at Captain's Rest in Glasgow.
Also, check out more of their songs at their myspace page.