The Radio Dept. are one of the main reasons I fell completely in love with music from Sweden (and Scandinavia). I pounced on their new album 'Clinging To a Scheme' when iTunes incorrectly posted it for sale and release, it was originally due out on the 19th of April. An error I won't be complaining about, because 'Clinging To a Scheme' is their best album to date.
Stepping away from their token atmospheric and visceral sound, The Radio Dept. opt instead for a far more ambient and restrained approach. Swapping their layered guitars for layered synths and meaty-to-sparse drum hooks, 'Clinging To a Scheme' is definitely an album which could shift interest in the band from long time fanatics (such as myself) to a wider audience as songs such as 'David' (previously released on last years EP of the same name), 'Heaven's On Fire', 'Never Follow Suit' and 'Memory Loss' could (and should) appeal to a larger audience with their laid back and lush grooves. I'm just glad The Radio Dept. have made an album they have been building up to since 1995. The end result certainly justifies the wait.
Album out, properly, on 21th via Labrador
The Radio Dept - Heaven's On Fire[MP3]
The Radio Dept - Never Follow Suit
The Radio Dept - David
Man do I ever love that cover.