I don't really write as much here as I would like. Partly laziness, partly drunkeness, partly summerness, partly writing for other places. Anyway, I've been sitting on a band I really think are head and shoulders above the rest in terms of Scottish folk-tinged laments for a long while and it would be a waste if I didn't write anything about them.
The Son(s) are an Aberdeen based trio (although it is said that members are dotted all over the place). Their music is as haunting and elusive as their identity. Knowing very little about them other than they are fronted by a lovely chap called Karl. They don't gig, they don't have a Myspace, and stream their entire catalog via Bandcamp or Soundcloud. It doesn't matter as they have created a collection of songs which are so beautiful and timid that they beg to be listened to.
Their songs feature lush instrumentation is fused together with vocal harmonies reminiscent of the very best Americana chamber music. If you didn't know otherwise you would think that The Son(s) are an experienced American band releasing their fifth or sixth album. They seem that accomplished. 'You Belong To No One' gives folky troubadours such as Justin Vernon a close run for their money, while lead single 'Radar' takes a poppier direction while still featuring the bands token harmonies and ebbing and flowing between tranquil guitar picking and electric guitar showmanship, a mixture of the restrained and the confident. 'Dogs, Boys and Men' is a more urgent affair, producing a rock track of the highest songwriting, production and execution.
Whoever The Son(s) are is not important. What is important is that you listen to them. Now.
You Belong To No One (Master) by The Son(s)